Vice Presidential Debates at Case Western Reserve University -- Running Comments

Cheney is still using old information about linking Al Queda with Iraq ('the 10 year relationship'). There has yet to be any _solid_ evidence to link AQ with Iraq

It seems that the cameramen are adhering to the established rules strictly. This does not bode well for this debate.

Edwards is following Kerry's message from last Thursday's debates. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be answering the questions directly and is making extraneous points

Where's Cheney's nuiance between Sadam Hussein, AQ, and terror? He has yet to explain himself satisfactorily on Iraq. However, he is doing surprisingly well in contrast to Bush in terms of making complete sentences. Edwards will certainly have a difficult time vs. him.

Still, Cheney's claims about Afghanistan is not conistent with the reported facts that the media has reported on the status of the Afghans

Edwards is spending too much time being sidetracked. However, he is doing a good job contrasting situations with what Cheney's painting.

Possible breach in rules. Edwards spoke in response before being granted permission

Retraction of the "global test" quote? Edwards backing up into a corner. He didn't address the clarification of 'global test' very well, imo

Cheney seems to know his facts much better than Edwards does, and keeps pulling them up to back up his points. He is painting a power picture, however out-of-context it may be.
Edwards is vague at times in his response to Cheney's arguments.

He neglected to mention pulling allies into Iraq to help with the stabilization effort

Finally, split screen to show both candidates' reactions.

I can't believe that Bush/Cheney is still using numbers to back up their coalition vs Iraq. 1991's Gulf War consisted of all (if not most of) the European powers. Today, there is only three at best.

My question right now is how accurate is Cheney, really? He makes his points like they're natrually the truth. If he's lying, it's hard to tell from his demeanor.

Edwards response in the Israeli/Palistinian conflict doesn't address Arab grievances. The Arab vote may swing towards Bush a little.

Cheney is certainly Bush's attack dog and does the dirty work for him. There is definately no doubt about that.

No Child Left Behind law seems to put undue stress on good schools when all surrounding schools (if they're bad) loste students to these schools. THe good schools can't spend money on these extra schools. How can this be a working model?

Cheney is painting Edwards as totalatarian by taxes. How ironic.

Edwards has improved his demeanor on the camera. He's more relaxed, less nervous now. Less stammering

Cheney has conceded a loss on gay marriage by not responding to Edwards' run on his daughter other than a 'Thank You'

Kerry/Edwards will most likely lose the MD vote on healthcare reform (malpractice reform). But, his 3-strikes out rule for lawyers who file bad malpractice lawsuits sounds tempting. Unfortunately, there is real no credibility that either camp will go through with their version of malpractice lawsuit treatment. Edwards' proposal implies autonomy among lawyers (their buddies). It doesn't seem to be the best solution. If they include MDs with lawyers on a review board for cases, it may hold more water.

Edwards.. doesn't seem to be a good liar...

Edwards, imo, is almost as simple as Bush in his speech. Is it his nature as a former lawyer?

"A long resume doesn't mean good judgement".. applied to Cheney can also apply to Kerry...

Is the president's agenda really the VP's agenda for Cheney? Or is it the other way around? Recall the first accusation of Iraq having WMD was first uttered by Cheney.

Cheney did sound like Darth Vader for a second there when his mic was out of line o.O

Quoting and agreeing with Bush is a bad move for Edwards. He didn't fully contrast his position from Bush/Cheney

Edwards is really all over the map. Get to the point, yo! (a tad too late in the debate to change much, though)

Wow. Edwards closing comments sounded very much like a closing argument for a trial case. Creepy.

I can only classify Cheney's closing comments on his domestic policy to be utter BS. Touts terrorism as their main strength for reelection and democracy abroad. That is incredibly beyond truth that democracy is the only way to prevent terrorism.

Closing comments:
If I remember correctly, what made me support Bush in 2000 was because of Cheney and how well he spoke despite how Bush performed in his debates with Al Gore. Cheney certainly pulled fact after fact after fact to support his points, which was quite overwhelming compared to Edwards' more simplistic way of dealing with the questions and the issues. Edwards had a very good chance to attack Cheney on a lot of other fronts, but he was too preoccupied with general campaign strategies and was frequently off-topic to really mount an effective offensive to question Bush and Cheney's policies. On the surface, Edwards got owned, especially on the subject on attendance and performance in the Senate.

But, for those who have been up to date with the news, Cheney's comments on foreign and on domestic policies don't hold water. He paints many rosy pictures, but doesn't really deal with the hard realities that have been present in the media. Unfortunately, the general public will most likely not be aware of this big difference, especially since Edwards didn't bother to point out their lack of realizing the real picture of the US and of the world today.

On the surface, Cheney wins the debate resoundingly over Edwards.

Under analysis, Cheney wins marginally over Edwards (an effective tie), mostly due to style points and Edwards' inability to get his message to match Kerry's and to match his effectiveness to compound on Kerry's momentum from Thursday.

Overall, Kerry/Edwards will lose momentum. Friday will be a make/break point for the Kerry/Edwards campaign.

2nd Verdict:
Cheney is certainly Darth Vader and has an aura of evilness about him

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