More Targets for the Relgious Right?

So, today, in AP news, a male contraceptive has now been tested in monkeys and has been shown to be a a birth control for men. I'd love to see their reactions to this new development, and I'll bet you that I know how it's going to go...

On another note, pharmacists have been reported to refuse to give contraception pills to their customers while also refusing to give the prescription to another pharmacist, nor do they give it back to the patient the medication is prescribed for (causing her to miss a day in her cycle), saying that it's against their religious beliefs to dispense medicine like that. I think that it's ridiculous that such a thing has happened to the healthcare of this country where even the parmacists have the power to deny what a patient needs just based on faith. There needs to be a realization that this religious way of running a country and business doesn't help others who don't share the same beliefs when the right decides to let everyone else suffer for their own beliefs.

1 comment:

bean said...

Yes I totally agree. If it's against their beliefs to dispense medicines then why are they working there? And if they fail to carry out their duties can't the pharmacy fire them? The patients who didn't get their medication should let the manager know. Unless the management also shares those beliefs.

Anyway Kevin there seems to be something wrong with your RSS feed. Maybe you can try deactivating and re-activating it.

Oh btw I just went blading yesterday. It was awesome. I think I'm beginning to get it. My friend said I was speeding for someone who claimed to be a n00b. Oh and what's your email? It's hard 2 get you on IM.