I may be right, but it's still ridiculous

According to this from the NOAA, Hurricane Jeanne is now on a crash course to Florida after doing some fancy footwork in the Carribean. This will be Florida's fourth hurricane this year.

As I put it aptly, God is telling Florida to not screw up this year's elections.

But then, a colleague countered with this: Maybe God doesn't want Florida to participate in the next election.


Hot Hurricane Action

So, apparently, we're still in the middle of hurricane season.

I'll have to admit, I'm feeling quite guilty for my malevolence towards Florida when Ivan rolled around. At first, I thought that it would have been a cool statistic for a state to get hit three times in a year by hurricanes -- something I don't ever recall witnessing or hearing. Then when Bush started to pander the state for the presidential elections, I figured, what the hell: Hit Florida since Jeb Bush is there as well.

Then I realized, "Wait. Florida also screwed up the 2000 elections with the recount. Maybe God's sending them a message: Vote Kerry." (Or at least don't screw up the election again.) Three weeks later, after Ivan, this picture came out. There may have been some alterations, but you get the point. The Republican areas of the state were ravaged by these three hurricanes.

Now they have to deal with [Hurricane] Jeanne (which is taking a loop and heading to the US mainland), and possibly Karl (out in the Atlantic and up to hurricane stage already and heading in the general direction). Seeing how uncanny these hurricanes have been in hitting Florida over and over again, I'd predict that they'd get hit by another one in the next month and another one around Election Day just for good "measure."

Hopefully, the Floridians can stick it out for the remainder of the year. Good luck to them. Hurricane season, according to the NOAA, ends November 30.


Blogspot is now unborked. Huzzah

Sorry for the lack of posts for the last month and a half or so. Blogspot was broken for quite awhile and somehow got into a recursive login loop whenever I tried to log in, and, thus, I couldn't post. Anyway, as you can see, Blogspot has now un-broken itself, so you'll be hearing more from me in the future.
